Manchester Cathedral
Manchester Cathedral has a number of beehives on the roof, so my goal here was to replace the current plants in the neglected beds with a pollinator friendly planting scheme. I wanted the Cathedral to be visible behind the planting so used tall plants like Allium, Monarda and Echinacea Pallida to create interest but maintain transparency

I created a red and white perennial planting scheme to echo the original red victorian tiled path for this small front garden.
My design featured silvery artemesia which contrasts with the red flowers of crocosmia and other plants
Terraced House Small Front Garden
Pollinator Bed for Public Park
The aim of this project is to replace the usual sterile bedding plants with a vibrant display of summer plants, that will attract and benefit bees and other pollinators. I included yellow Achillea, purple heliotrope,salvias and blue globe thistles (echinops ritro)
Small Garden
Tidy Up
This small garden had been swamped by overgrown ferns where there was once lawn. The flowerbed was tired and new low maintenance plants were added to give year long colour. On a small budget the lawn was restored and a path constructed from landscape bark.